Anxiety in Dogs

Posted by Laura Greenland on

With the lead up to Halloween and impending fireworks celebrations, I thought it would be a good time to shine a light on the topic of anxiety and what that may look like for your dogs (and even cats). Because let’s be honest, this time of year can be a bit challenging for us woofers! 

Some signs to look out for that could indicate that your dog may be suffering with anxiety
  • Whimpering, barking or howling
  • Panting or shivering
  • Excessive gnawing, licking or biting at themselves
  • Refusing to eat or drink
  • Running or hiding away
  • Out-of-character behaviours or what could be perceived as aggression 

If your dog is showing signs of anxiety, then your first port of call should be to your vet. I know, I know. None of us like visiting that scary white room of doom, but they are quite useful (don’t tell them I said that). Talk to them about all your worries so that they can help to identify what could be causing the issues and the best way to treat them. 

There are so many reasons why your pet might find certain situations uncomfortable. That’s why it’s important to pay attention and even take notes when you observe anything that may be triggering your pet. This will be super useful when finding ways to try and prevent them from becoming anxious in the first place. 

Common reasons for anxiety in pets could be:
  • Loud noises
  • Separation anxiety
  • A change in their environment or ownership 
  • Illness 
  • Travelling
  • Ageing

Sometimes anxiety can be down to multiple reasons and may require a combination of treatment. 

Training, putting preventative methods into place, supplements and sometimes medicines can help but your vet will also be able to rule out anything else that may be causing the distress. 

As a bit of a stress-head myself at times, my mum has made it part of her mission to help me find ways to chill out! 

I know it can be a royal pain in the arse and I honestly feel for all my fur friends who struggle to deal with this kind of doggy issue. 

This is why we chose to stock a range of awesome products that can help to manage the stress and symptoms from anxiety. 

One that I can personally recommend is Dorwest Valerian Compound and it’s great for both dogs and cats (yeah, I’m even looking out for those whiskery buggers). 

It’s a quick-acting solution to calm and control both anxiety and hyperactivity, formulated to naturally help pets relax quickly in times of stress, anxiety, hyperactivity and fear.

Containing pure extracts of three herbs in liquid form, it acts within just 30 minutes, with effects lasting for up to two hours. It can be dropped straight into the mouth, given on food or sprinkled onto your pet's bedding to help make any event instantly less stressful. It's non-drowsy and even our fussy feline friends love the smell, making it super easy to use.

How does it work I hear you ask?

Well, Valerian helps to support the natural relaxant pathways within our nervous system, without affecting muscles. It doesn’t make us dopey or sleepy, in fact I have it under good authority from some of my pals who attend agility shows that it helps them feel focused, alert and calmer.

Valerian Compound is good for situations like…

Fireworks, thunderstorms, travelling, showing, going into kennels or even a visit to the vets because all of these can be worrying for us pets and all could potentially cause fear and anxiety. 

Valerian Compound acts quickly, helping you and your pet get through these events stress-free. It can also be used to restore calm in hyperactive pets.

There’s a whole heap of information about this product on our website, which you can find here

Top-Tip: Try putting a few drops on a cloth on your pet’s bed to help them relax, cats especially love this, humans - maybe not so much. 😉

Dog Training 

Your vet may also recommend seeking out a dog trainer, especially one that specialises in anxious or nervous dogs. 

Anxiety can lead to all kinds of disruption and disorder if left unresolved, I’m talking things like toilet mishaps and chewed up furnishings. Uh oh. Hiring a professional could save you money and your sanity in the long run, as well as equip you with the skills and knowledge to help your dog live a calmer life. Happy dog = less slog. 🙃

Things to try:

In general, us dogs love a bit of exercise. Like with humans, it gives us the feel good factor by helping to relieve stress because it produces beneficial endorphins.

Cuddles - we love to be loved! Show us some attention. Keep us preoccupied with a good tummy rubbing session or snuggle up close to us on the sofa in front of the TV - you won’t regret it. We all need a little TLC. 

Did you know that music therapy is a good way to get us a little more zen? There’s even music specifically made for us. I’m being serious. Go have a quick check on good old spotify, you’ll find things like Relax my Dog: Calming music for dogs. 

FUN FACT: I accidentally got conditioned to going to sleep and relaxing whenever the Game of Thrones (GoT) theme tune would play during my mum and Aunty Mandy’s binge-watching sessions and whenever I need to chill out my mum whacks on the GoT (Game of Thrones) Soundtrack. 😂

If you like listening to podcasts there’s a good episode talking all about anxiety in dogs over on The Happy Dog Podcast

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Until next time,

Paws Out 🐾

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